How to Guarantee a Faster Response time for Approval on - How long does it take?

How to Guarantee a Faster Response time for Approval on 

Step 1:

Sign up using the Google Form:

Step 2:

Complete each field accurately and truthfully

(fields with asterisk (*) must be completed and cannot be skipped)

You will need an online portfolio of your work and a link to your work.

You will either need a twitter or instagram account.

It's best to have your own website that showcases your work.

Enter your email address.

You will need to make a vide of yourself and introduce yourself and your artwork. You can talk about your style and where you get your inspiration.

Submit some personal work that you want the Superrare team to look at. You want to pick 3 to 5 of your best work. These should represent your style and different styles that you enjoy the most. 

Type out a thorough response about the story of each piece you want to have listed on

Having a unique story and not just a general cookie cutter story will be better in getting approved. 

Include a response as to how you heard about Superrare. 

Make sure you own all the art work and you are the original creator.

Step 3:

Submit the form on google docs

Step 4:

Now the wait begins. (There is a back log of approvals and Superrare is working through all the submissions. It could take several months to hear back from Superrare. So be patient.)
